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SQLite API wrappers

  • Statement meta
    Busy() and ReadOnly() provide information on whether a prepared statement 1) has been reset or 2) modifies the database.
    SQLQueryOriginal() and SQLQueryExpanded provide query information. PreparedStatementsGet() enumerates non-finalized prepared statements and either returns them in a dictionary with their statuses or finalizes them. This method should be called on the default class instance.
  • Statement lifecycle control
    Prepare16V2(), Reset(), and Finalize() - constructor, resetter, and destructor.

User-controlled header fields

ApplicationId and UserVersion accessors retrieve and set two user-controlled header fields via high-level wrappers.

Query execution

  • ExecuteSetup() is a helper routine. The rest of the query routines call ExecuteSetup() for statement preparation and parameter binding. They do not finalize the statement object, and ExecuteSetup() will reuse a parameterized prepared statement if a blank query is provided on subsequent calls.
  • ExecuteNonQuery() executes an SQL statement, possibly parameterized, not returning data. If the QueryParameters argument is set to Null, SQLiteCConnection.ExecuteNonQueryPlain() interface is used.
  • GetScalar() executes an SQL statement, possibly parameterized, returning a scalar value. The actual query may return more than one row/column, but only the first field in the first row is returned, discarding the rest.
  • GetPagedRowSet() executes an SQL statement, possibly parameterized, returning a set of rows. The returned result is a 1D array of pages, with each non-empty element being a 1D array of rows and each row being a 1D array of field values.
  • GetRowSet2D() executes an SQL statement, possibly parameterized, returning a set of rows. The result is a row-wise 2D array.
  • GetRecordset() executes an SQL statement, possibly parameterized, returning a set of rows. The result is a fabricated ADODB.Recordset object.

ILiteADO interface

SQLiteCStatement class implements the ILiteADO interface accessible via the ExecADO property. While the current ILiteADO/LiteADO implementation does not support parameterized queries, the ILiteADO/SQLiteCStatement implementation provides such support. Another important aspect is that this implementation handles the SQLite connection object. If a connection is not opened before one of the query methods is called, it is opened and closed; otherwise, it remains open.