Demos and examples | SQLiteC for VBA Link Search Menu Expand Document

Dedicated demo code is located in several modules:

  • LiteExamples in SQLite/ADO/ADemo contains several small basic independent routines.
  • SQLiteCExamples in SQLite/C/ADemo provides usage examples for various SQLiteC objects, including database operations. The Main Sub is the primary entry point running the demo.
  • SQLiteCAdoDemo in SQLite/AADemo compares the use of SQLiteC (MainC) and SQLiteADO (MainADO) subpackages via the ILiteADO interface. The first 3-4 lines at the top of the MainC/ADO modules perform initialization of the ILiteADO dbq object (SQLiteC needs a bit more initialization code, which is placed in a separate Sub with debug messages) and create a new blank SQLite database file in the Temp folder. Both routines call the DemoDBQ Sub after initialization is complete. This Sub demonstrates typical operations: it creates two demo tables and illustrates insert, select, and update statements. The two conditional structures show differences in implemented features. SQLiteC supports parameterized queries, including via the ILiteADO interface, while SQLiteADO does not support them.

Additionally, FixObj* in SQLite/Fixtures and test modules provide further usage examples.