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Factory-Constructor pattern - parametrized class instantiation

A pair of a factory and a custom constructor performs parametrized class instantiation. The default factory Create and the default constructor Init are defined on the class's default interface only. Both methods have the same parameter signature but different return values. The Factory method should be a function returning a class instance, and the Constructor method should be a sub with no return value. The factory method called on the default (predeclared) class's instance (enabled via the "Predeclared" attribute) generates a new class instance (via the New operator) and then, to perform initialization, calls instance's constructor with all received arguments. For example, here is a snippet from a class, which is a part of the "Storage" library:


Implements IDataTableStorage

'''' Encapsulated private fields
Private Type TDataTableADODB
    ' Define private fields here
End Type
Private this As TDataTableADODB

'''' A boilerplate template for the default factory
'''' This method is called on the default predeclared class instance
Public Function Create(ByVal Model As DataTableModel, _
                       ByVal ConnectionString As String, _
                       ByVal TableName As String) As IDataTableStorage
    Dim Instance As DataTableADODB
    Set Instance = New DataTableADODB
    Instance.Init Model, ConnectionString, TableName
    Set Create = Instance
End Function

'''' Constructor
'''' This method is called on the default interface of the newly generated class instance
Friend Sub Init(ByVal Model As DataTableModel, _
                ByVal ConnectionString As String, _
                ByVal TableName As String)
    ' Check input parameters and initialize private data fields here.
End Sub

To simulate rudimentary introspection, Class and Self getters can also be defined. The Class getter returns the class's default instance. If a class instance presents a non-default interface, Self should return the same interface as well.

'''' Self attribute defined on the default interface
Public Property Get Self() As IDataTableStorage
    Set Self = Me
End Property

'''' Class attribute defined on the default interface
Public Property Get Class() As DataTableADODB
    Set Class = DataTableADODB
End Property