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DataRecordWSheet and DataTableWSheet abstract an Excel Worksheet (in the current implementation, only open Excel workbooks are supported). The backends interpret ConnectionString as workbook name and TableName as worksheet name: Application.Workbooks(ConnectionString).Worksheets(TableName)


The backend expects the table name matching the worksheet name as a globally scoped named range, so the worksheet qualification is not necessary for further processing. The first row of the table range should contain field names, and the first column should be the table's primary key ("id"). To simplify the VBA code, the backend expects two more named Ranges prefixed with the table name: a "Body" suffixed range containing only the data and an "Id" suffixed range with record IDs.

For example, the named range "Contacts" contains the table, "ContactsBody" Range refers to the data area without the header, and "ContactsId" Range refers to the "id" column (see the WSheet demo workbook). Additionally, the "ContactsHeader" range refers to the header row only. (Note, because these ranges use the formula-based definition, the range name/address bar (top left corner) does not display their names.)


WSheet demo uses the "ContactBrowser" worksheet to save the form data and populate it at the start. Each record field has an associated cell assigned a named range matching the field name. This convention makes it possible to use FieldNames from DataTableModel. Nevertheless, DataRecordWSheet collects the field names independently (to explore an alternative implementation). It goes through the Names collection of the Workbook object and keeps name members matching all of the following:

  • Name.RefersTo starts with the name of the worksheet supplied to the DataRecordWSheet constructor;
  • the target range is a single cell range;
  • the target range has a "label" cell above or to the left containing the field name.

For example, a single cell range named "LastName" refers to ContactBrowser!E5, and ContactBrowser!D5 contains the same name.