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DbRecordset is a new class added to SecureADODB-PG, which wraps the ADODB.Recordset object. Functionally, DbRecordset is responsible for SELECT queries returning recordset objects, while DbCommand is still responsible for UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE queries, like in SecureADODB-RD.

DbRecordset includes members targeting several groups of tasks:

  1. exposing class's private attributes
  2. retrieving data from the database via SELECT queries
  3. updating local structures and the database data
  4. providing convenient development access to the recordset data.

IDbRecordset interface

The IDbRecordset class formalizes the public interface of DbRecordset and exposes several methods and attributes.

Attribute members expose the two primary DbRecordset attributes, including instances of the ADODB.Recordset class and DbCommand/IDbCommad class:

Public Property Get cmd() As IDbCommand
End Property

Public Property Get AdoRecordset() As Recordset
End Property

Public Function GetAdoRecordset(ByVal SQL As String, ParamArray ADODBParamsValues() As Variant) As Recordset
End Function

SELECT methods provide a means to execute queries returning either recordset or a scalar value:

Public Function OpenRecordset(ByVal SQL As String, ParamArray ADODBParamsValues() As Variant) As Recordset
End Function

Public Function OpenScalar(ByVal SQL As String, ParamArray ADODBParamsValues() As Variant) As Variant
End Function

Update methods provide a means to change the data in the recordset (UpdateRecord) and to persist changes (UpdateRecordset via updatable recordset):

Public Sub UpdateRecord(ByVal AbsolutePosition As Long, ByVal ValuesDict As Dictionary)
End Sub

Public Sub UpdateRecordset(ByRef AbsolutePositions() As Long, ByRef RecordsetData() As Variant)
End Sub

Convenience routines provide development access to recordset data. RecordsetToQT outputs recordset data onto an Excel worksheet via the QueryTable feature:

Public Function RecordsetToQT(ByVal OutputRange As Range) As QueryTable
End Function


A database can be updated via ADODB using either UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE SQL statements (typically with the Command object) or using updatable recordsets, both having their advantages and limitations. Here, I will focus on the latter option.

Private Sub IDbRecordset_UpdateRecordset(ByRef AbsolutePositions() As Long, ByRef RecordsetData() As Variant)
    UpdateRecordsetData AbsolutePositions, RecordsetData
    Dim DirtyRecordsCount As Long
    DirtyRecordsCount = UBound(AbsolutePositions) - LBound(AbsolutePositions) + 1
    PersistRecordsetChanges DirtyRecordsCount
End Sub

UpdateRecordset wraps the UpdateBatch method (ADODB.Recordset), and several factors affect a particular implementation of the additional wrapping code. The typical workflow involves an initial SELECT query retrieving data from the database into the recordset attribute of the DbRecordset class. Then the user modifies the data, and UpdateBatch can be used to persist the changes in the database. Data modification occurs outside of the library; therefore, the recordset data must be accessible to the user. Current implementation of SecureADODB-PG DbRecordset/IDbRecordset classes exposes the encapsulated ADODB.Recordset object, so the library user has two choices.

The user may copy recordset data to an independent local container, such as a 2D array. If there are any local changes, the data in the recordset needs to be updated first. Alternatively, the user may use the recordset object directly without an intermediate container, saving changes into the recordset as they occur. In either case, either the user or the SecureADODB library may perform the update process.

The first prospective user for this fork is the ContactEditor demo app. In ContactEditor, SecrueADODB will interface with the Storage Library employing the first strategy with a 2D array as an independent local data container. Two DbRecordset routines, UpdateRecordsetData and PersistRecordsetChanges, will update recordset data and the database, respectively.

Friend Sub PersistRecordsetChanges(ByVal DirtyRecordCount As Long)
    With AdoRecordset
        Guard.ExpressionErr .State = adStateOpen, _
                            IncompatibleStatusErr, _
                            "DbRecordset", _
                            "Expected AdoRecordset.Status = adStateOpen"
        Dim db As IDbConnection
        Set db = this.cmd.Connection
        '''' Marshal dirty records only
        .MarshalOptions = adMarshalModifiedOnly
        Set .ActiveConnection = this.cmd.Connection.AdoConnection
        On Error GoTo Rollback
        '''' Set the expected count of affected rows in the DbConnection object
        db.ExpectedRecordsAffected = DirtyRecordCount
        '''' Wrap update in a transaction
        On Error GoTo 0
        If .CursorLocation = adUseClient Then Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
    End With
    Exit Sub
    With Err
        .Raise .Number, .Source, .Description, .HelpFile, .HelpContext
    End With
End Sub

Apart from the invoking database update command, PersistRecordsetChanges incorporates two other features. It wraps the UpdateBatch call in a database transaction and verifies that the expected and actual number of changes match.

Some backends do not support transactions. In the current implementation, PersistRecordsetChanges raises an error when transactions are not available. It can handle this limitation more gracefully by checking the TransactionsDisabled flag (currently not exposed).

Affected rows count

Verifying the affected rows count is a convenient and efficient consistency check. UpdateRecordset method takes a 1D array containing ids of dirty records. Therefore, the expected value for the number of affected rows is readily available. It appears, however, that the actual number is not available from the recordset object, necessitating the use of backend-specific sources.

DbConnection - Attributes

Private Type TDbConnection
    ExecuteStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum
    RecordsAffected As Long
    TransactionsDisabled As Boolean
    HasActiveTransaction As Boolean
    LogController As ILogger
    TransRecordsAffected As Long
    ExpectedRecordsAffected As Long
    cmdAffectedRows As ADODB.Command
    Engine As String
End Type
Private this As TDbConnection
DbConnection - Event handlers
Implements IDbConnection
Private WithEvents AdoConnection As ADODB.Connection

Private Sub AdoConnection_BeginTransComplete( _
            ByVal TransactionLevel As Long, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, _
            ByRef adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pConnection As ADODB.Connection)
    this.TransRecordsAffected = TotalChanges()
End Sub

Private Sub AdoConnection_CommitTransComplete( ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, _
            ByRef adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pConnection As ADODB.Connection)
    With this
        .TransRecordsAffected = TotalChanges() - .TransRecordsAffected
        If .ExpectedRecordsAffected >= 0 Then
            Guard.Expression .ExpectedRecordsAffected = .TransRecordsAffected, _
                    "DbConnection", "Affected rows count mismatch"
            Debug.Print "Affected rows count (matched): " & CStr(.TransRecordsAffected)
            Debug.Print "Affected rows count: " & CStr(.TransRecordsAffected)
        End If
        .ExpectedRecordsAffected = -1
    End With
End Sub

In SQLite, SELECT total_changes() query returns the total number of changes for the Connection object used. If executed before and after the transaction wrapping the UpdateBatch call, it yields the number of rows changed by the database engine during the transaction. For it to work correctly, this query must share the Connection object with UpdateBatch and transaction-related commands. The first call (from the BeginTransComplete handler) caches the reference value in the TransRecordsAffected attribute (the ExecuteComplete handler sets a similar RecordsAffected variable). The second call (from the CommitTransComplete) yields the desired value and verifies that it matches the expected count.

Code for affected rows count
'================================= DbConnection ================================='

'@Description "If possible, queries the database for total changes count."
Friend Function TotalChanges() As Long
    TotalChanges = -1
    If Not this.cmdAffectedRows Is Nothing Then
        On Error Resume Next
        TotalChanges = this.cmdAffectedRows.Execute.Fields.Item(0).Value
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
End Function

'@Description "Set database type [typically received from the manager]"
Private Property Let IDbConnection_Engine(ByVal EngineName As String)
    this.Engine = EngineName
    If LCase$(EngineName) = "sqlite" Then
        Set this.cmdAffectedRows = New ADODB.Command
        With this.cmdAffectedRows
            .CommandType = adCmdText
            .Prepared = True
            .CommandText = "SELECT total_changes()"
            Set .ActiveConnection = AdoConnection
        End With
    End If
End Property


'================================== DbManager ==================================='

Public Function CreateFileDb( _
                 ByVal DbType As String, _
        Optional ByVal DbFileName As String = vbNullString, _
        Optional ByVal ConnectionOptions As String = vbNullString, _
        Optional ByVal LoggerType As LoggerTypeEnum = LoggerTypeEnum.logGlobal _
        ) As IDbManager
    Dim LogController As ILogger
    Select Case LoggerType
        Case LoggerTypeEnum.logDisabled
            Set LogController = Nothing
        Case LoggerTypeEnum.logGlobal
            Set LogController = Logger
        Case LoggerTypeEnum.logPrivate
            Set LogController = Logger.Create
    End Select
    '''' CSV fails if String -> adVarWChar mapping is used
    ''''              String -> adVarChar must be used for CSV instead
    Dim provider As IDbParameters
    Set provider = DbParameters.Create( _
            IIf(LCase$(DbType) <> "csv", AdoTypeMappings.Default, AdoTypeMappings.CSV))
    Dim baseCommand As IDbCommandBase
    Set baseCommand = DbCommandBase.Create(provider)
    Dim Factory As IDbCommandFactory
    Set Factory = DbCommandFactory.Create(baseCommand)
    Dim DbConnStr As DbConnectionString
    Set DbConnStr = DbConnectionString.CreateFileDb(DbType, DbFileName, , ConnectionOptions)
    Dim db As IDbConnection
    Set db = DbConnection.Create(DbConnStr.ConnectionString, LogController)
    db.Engine = DbType
    Dim Instance As DbManager
    Set Instance = DbManager.Create(db, Factory, LogController)
    Instance.InitExtra DbConnStr
    Set CreateFileDb = Instance
End Function


Two additional DbConnection attributes (Engine and cmdAffectedRows) help streamline this engine-specific solution. Engine setter initializes both of these attributes when the DbManager.CreateFileDb factory sets Engine to its first argument, DbType. cmdAffectedRows is an ADODB.Command object set to retrieve the total changes count. Connection event handlers, in turn, call the TotalChanges function, which executes the cmdAffectedRows command and returns affected rows count or -1 if this feature is unavailable.