Delimiter-Separated Values | SQLite SQL Tutorial Link Search Menu Expand Document

Note that the scripts in this section rely on the SQLite JSON library. In the latest version of SQLite, the JSON library is part of the core and is included in the build by default. Until recently, however, JSON has been developed as a loadable extension, which was not part of the default builds. Verify that the JSON functionality is available before using/adapting code from this tutorial (for example, use these queries).

Split delimiter-separated value strings via JSON

SQLite does not have a string splitting function, so, for example, splitting a file system path (‘/usr/share/info’ or ‘C:/Winows/System32/drivers/etc/’) into directories is not straightforward. The JSON library helps compensate for this missing functionality.

The basic procedure is as follows:

  1. Transform the delimited string to the JSON array format (preprocessing): ‘C:/Winows/System32/drivers/etc/’ → ‘[“C:”, “Winows”, “System32”, “drivers”, “etc”]’
    • trim strips leading and trailing separators;
    • replace changes the original separator to ‘”, “’ (with or without the space);
    • concat adds ‘[”’ and ‘”]’.
  2. Process JSON-array-formatted string
    • json_each table-valued function splits the preprocessed string; the relevant columns include
      • key, containing a zero-based term index, going from left to right, and
      • value, containing individual components.

This query

SELECT "terms"."key" AS term_id, "terms"."value" AS term
FROM json_each('["' || replace(trim('C:/Winows/System32/drivers/etc/', '/'), '/', '", "') || '"]') AS terms;

produces output

term_id term
0 C:
1 Winows
2 System32
3 drivers
4 etc

Split path into prefix and name

The following query splits the path column in the source table into prefix (parent path) and name. The first paths block defines mock input, and the two other blocks perform actual splitting.

    paths(path) AS (VALUES ('tcl/compat/zlib1/'), ('tcl/pkgs/thread2.8.7/tcl/cmdsrv/')), 
    node_names AS (
        SELECT path,
               json_extract('["' || replace(trim(path, '/'), '/', '", "') || '"]', '$[#-1]') AS name
        FROM paths
    nodes AS (
        SELECT path, substr(path, 1, length(path) - length(name) - 1) AS prefix, name
        FROM node_names
SELECT * FROM nodes;


path prefix name
tcl/compat/zlib1/ tcl/compat/ zlib1
tcl/pkgs/thread2.8.7/tcl/cmdsrv/ tcl/pkgs/thread2.8.7/tcl/ cmdsrv