Integrating extra extensions | SQLite ICU MinGW Link Search Menu Expand Document

The SQLite source distribution includes a suite of small extensions within the sqlite/ext/misc folder. These extensions, except for json, must be compiled as independent loadable modules. Integrated extensions, such as json, are simpler to use, so I picked several sqlite/ext/misc extensions for integration into the amalgamation. Integration of an extension into the amalgamation consists of several steps. To illustrate them, lets use the sqlite/ext/misc/csv.c extension as an example and the sqlite/ext/misc/json1.c extension as a reference.

Source file references
As discussed earlier, the SQLite building process starts with copying the source files into the build/tsrc folder based on the information in the make files. Make files contain several sections accumulating the list of source files. (The Makefile file is generated in the build folder by the configure script, and the Makefile.msc is copied from the source folder into the build folder by the shell script.) The source file names of the selected extensions can be added, for example,

after $(TOP)\ext\misc\json1.c \ in build\Makefile.msc:

  $(TOP)\ext\misc\csv.c \

and after $(TOP)/ext/misc/json1.c \ in the build/Makefile

  $(TOP)/ext/misc/csv.c \

Target file names must also be added to the list of source names in sqlite\tool\mksqlite3c.tcl.ext, e.g., after json1.c:


Conditional inclusion
The source of an integrated extension needs to be wrapped in a conditional:


Extension initialization
A loadable extension must define the init function sqlite3_<module name>_init called by SQLite when the extension is loaded, e.g.:


An integrated extension must additionally define a separate init function (with essentially identical content) called when SQLite is loaded, e.g.:


The CSV extension does not have sqlite3CsvInit, so one should be added before sqlite3_csv_init, and its content should either come from sqlite3_csv_init

int sqlite3CsvInit(sqlite3 *db){
  return sqlite3_create_module(db, "csv", &CsvModule, 0);
  return SQLITE_OK;

or modeled using its contents after, e.g., sqlite3Json1Init

int sqlite3CsvInit(sqlite3 *db){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  unsigned int i;
  static const struct {
     const char *zName;
     sqlite3_module *pModule;
  } aMod[] = {
    { "csv",                  &CsvModule                    },
  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aMod)/sizeof(aMod[0]) && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){
    rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, aMod[i].zName, aMod[i].pModule, 0);
  return rc;

Finally, a prototype of the new sqlite3CsvInit init function must be added to the build/tsrc/main.c, e.g.:

int sqlite3Json1Init(sqlite3*);
int sqlite3CsvInit(sqlite3*);

and the sqlite3CsvInit pointer must be added to the sqlite3BuiltinExtensions array:


These steps are typically necessary for each extension to be integrated. However, if an extension only provides C APIs (such as sqlite/ext/misc/normalize.c), it does not need the initialization step. On the other hand, some extensions, such as fileio, might be tricky to integrate.

With fileio, initial integration attempts were unsuccessful with both toolchains. For the time being, I decided to use a workaround. The stock TCL script generates an amalgamation file without fileio as an intermediate step. Then the running script appends fileio with dependencies to the end of the generated amalgamation file before compilation. This approach worked okay with MSVC but not with MSYS2/MinGW. It turned out that fileio’s dependency includes conditional compilation flag targetting MSVC. Even though the MinGW toolchain may have other options, there is no MinGW-specific code. At the same time, disabling the MSVC specific conditional flag and, thus, activating the dependency in the MinGW environment resulted in the successful completion of the build process.

The SQLite command-line shell tool incorporates several sqlite/ext/misc extensions, including fileio, and builds just fine without any issues and tinkering with both toolchains. The Shell tool executable integrates these extensions with its core in a single module while using them like loadable extensions (initializing them via the sqlite3_<ExtensionName>_init routines by the application, rather than the library). Statically linked (with the SQLite library) Shell tool is a single all-inclusive executable interactively used, e.g., by DBAs.

The Shell.c tool
The Shell tool (build/shell.c) module can be compiled with the library into a DLL with extended functionality. Scripts for both tools can do it. I tried to integrate the shell.c module into amalgamation, but initial attempts were unsuccessful, so I resorted to integration at the linking stage. Due to functional differences, linking was easier to implement with the MinGW toolchain. For now, I cannot provide any further information on this feature. This matter is something I will need to explore myself when I have time. Additional modification of the code might likely be necessary to expose the functionality of the DLL-integrated shell.c module.

Building options
Options are enacted via environment variables (0 - disable, 1 - enable). By default, the MSVC script builds an STDCALL version of the library for the x86 platform. Set USE_STDCALL to 0 to follow the usual CDECL convention. The only integrated extension, which can be disabled, is ICU via the USE_ICU variable (defaults to 1). All extras can be enabled/disabled via the WITH_EXTRA_EXT variable (defaults to 1). When WITH_EXTRA_EXT is enabled, USE_ZLIB (defaults to 1) controls the Zipfile extension. Additionally, USE_LIBSHELL (defaults to 0) controls the incorporation of the shell.c module via static linking. Because shell.c loads several extensions as loadable, these extensions are not activated in the main module, and an extension initialization routine is added to shell.c.