This section discusses a couple of templates demonstrating the development of custom(ized) DLLs for use with VBA. The first example builds a minimalistic demo DLL from scratch and the other demos extension of the SQLite code.
AddLib - Custom DLL from scratch
AddLib demo follows this tutorial, and its folder includes the following files:
- "add.c"/"add.h" - the C sources exporting one function and two variables;
- "" - bash script building the library (to be run from a MinGW shell);
- "x32\AddLib.dll" - compiled 32-bit binary (x64 version has not been compiled/tested yet).
AddLibDemo.bas module in the "SQLiteC.xls" file (in the repo root) contains the VBA code loading and calling this demo library (for now, only the 32-bit version is available).
SQLite - Extending DLL
Given the source code of the DLL library, there are several approaches to extend it.
- Patching the source code is optimal for small modifications/additions and should provide the best compile-time code optimization. As illustrated by this demo, a library's code module may contain the new code inlined, or it may #include the extension source files.
- Static linking reduces source code coupling. In this case, the extension modules are compiled into separate object modules statically linked with the library into a single binary file. For example, The SQLite3odbc.dll driver (also see my customized version) incorporates the SQLite library and the ODBC driver functionality.
- Dynamic linking minimizes the coupling between the library and extension. The latter is compiled into a separate DLL dynamically linked to the library. SQLiteForExcel project follows this approach. The stubs, performing STDCALL → CDECL translation for the SQLite API exposed by an official SQLite3 binary (x32), form the "SQLite3_StdCall.dll" module dynamically linked to the "SQLite3.dll" library module.
This demo consists of a single Bash script,, based on the code from a related project. The script compiles the library using the default CDECL convention. For this reason, an attempt to call any API from 32-bit VBA should cause the "Bad calling convention" error unless such API takes no arguments (see sqlite3_libversion_number call in the DllExtAdapterEmbedDemo.GetSQLiteVersion sub). At the same time, a new routine, demo_sqlite3_extension_adapter, is added to the SQLite3.c source code file before compilation. This adapter is labeled with STDCALL and, therefore, accessible from VBA.
There are a few other resources related to DLL development, which I added to my bookmarks: Dynamic-Link Libraries and C/C++ projects and build systems in Visual Studio from Microsoft and DLL Tutorial from Tutorials Point.